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Fashioned Forward Ministries

Fashioned Forward Ministries is an evangelistic ministry using the creative arts to present the Gospel message. In the nature of traditional, evangelistic crusades, the organization sponsors gatherings of women, under the sponsorship of local churches, to view a dramatic production of the development of clothes and fashion from Adam and Eve to the present time. The program emphasizes themes of God's interaction with men and women, the different eras and epics of how God has dealt with people, and the clothes and fashions that predominate each of those eras.

The fashion emphasis is designed to be a creative entrance point for unsaved women to come to the event and to hear the Gospel message of salvation from the platform and from those seated at tables or in the audience who will serve as counsellors to talk with the women at the end of the program. The evangelistic program is very contemporary and provides the kind of event that will encourage the church women to go out into the community and invite unsaved women to attend.

From the personal contact between sponsoring church women and the attendees, the content of the performance program, the contact with the church and the follow-up, it is the purpose to confront women with the claims of Jesus Christ as the only Savior of mankind. By accepting Jesus Christ and His free gift of salvation they can live for eternity in heaven with their sins completely forgiven. Women who make such a commitment to become Christians will then be encouraged to link up with the sponsoring church or any other church in their community to receive Bible instruction, learn about baptism and communion, and be discipled to grow in their faith and ministry.

For booking information write or call:

Fashioned Forward Ministries
3000 MacArthur Blvd.
Suite 209 B
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Any donations are fully tax deductible.